A Consultancy Collaboration Model


Collaboration—An  Essential Ingredient for Growth

It is quite common for members of professional groups or associations to look to one another for collegial support, the sharing of best practices and referrals. These interactions are just a few of the myriad of benefits. 


But for the most part these interactions are transactional and stand-alone. The interaction happens while each consultant goes about his or her own business.  There may be a referral fee exchanged—or perhaps a professional services fee for assistance with a practice challenge such as a web site, IT problem or personal coaching need.

While these interactions are undoubtedly valuable, they rarely result in the kind of fundamental structural change to a practice that enables significant revenue growth.  Achieving growth in a practice by increasing the size of   client engagements, almost always requires discovering ways to add both capacity and capability—in other words, additional consultants with complementary specialties.

A successful venture into multi-consultant engagements requires a strong collaboration model. In this white-paper we offer our shared experiences and a four-part model.

The Model:  The Four Circles of Consultant  Collaboration 

The Four Circle model is based on two premises. First, for a collaboration model to work, it must provide value to all stakeholders, clients and collaborators—clients first.  Secondly, an effective collaboration model must be congruent with the individual collaborators’ success models.  In this article we will focus on the first premise.  

The model depicted in Figure A posits a framework for a long lasting collaborative arrangement that will support continued practice and client growth.  The model creates long-term synergy.  It does not come together for a single engagement and then dissolve.

The four components are: a) Trust, b) Business Development, c) Thought Leadership and d) Project Execution. See the figure below



Trust:  The Foundation

Mutual trust means an explicit commitment to a common code of ethics and values. This is essential.  For us, as management consultants, there is no better starting point than the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) Code of Ethics.

Our experience is compiled in a Ten Point Trust Checklist and will supplement that  “gut-feeling” concerning a potential collaborator.  The checklist helps to determine whether you invite this person to work with you and to meet your most valued client based upon a more meaningful and objective criteria than “He or she seems nice”. You owe your client meaningful due diligence when selecting collaborators.

For each item on the checklist, one should ask, “To what degree does this potential collaborator demonstrate…”

Ten Point Trust Checklist

1. Competence: client results, track record, testimonials, project management, case studies, industry expertise, academic accomplishment, thought leadership

2. Primacy of the Client: priorities and value to client; has the best interest of the client at heart at all times

3. Intra-Collaborator Communication: open and honest, tool savvy

4. Collaboration: track record of other successful collaborative projects

5. Discipline: process and project management

6. Documentation: reliable tools and methodologies

7. Client Communication: strong  verbal, written and people skills

8. Financial/Business Acumen: linking all activities to the economic benefit of the client

9.  Commitment: accountable and dependable

10. Integrity

There are two important trust links that must be solid.  The first is between you and your collaborators and the second is between the collaborator and the client.

Regarding interpersonal collaborator trust: trust does not typically happen overnight.  Nor does trust grow without continually building and reinforcing the points on the checklist.  Remember, it takes years to build trust— only seconds to destroy it. 

Regarding client trust: your client is depending on you to select only the best collaborator to work on his or her project.  By using the Ten Point Trust Checklist you can clearly articulate why you are making the recommendation you are.

Business Development: Also Known As Making Rain

Anyone desiring a successful practice needs to know how to capture new business. Collaborative projects where one or more of the collaborators simply burn-off project backlog landed by others, do not build effective long-lasting collaborations.  Each member of the collaborative team should be actively working to increase the visibility of the group and increase the probability of landing new opportunities.  Leaving the rainmaking to everyone else does not build a long term collaborative   relationship or trust. No free rides.

Business development is something we as consultants need to do everyday.  The challenge is that most of us are trying to balance our time between   execution, administration and selling. We typically spend more time in the delivery mode (where we actually use our expertise and do what we enjoy) than in developing new business relationships and opportunities.

Several years ago, Jerry brought on (hired) a collaborator with expertise in organizational management to assist in a two-year corporate turnaround project.  It was explicit; collaboration would require business development—not  simply execution. After 6 months it was apparent this individual could not, did not want to, and avoided at all costs, engaging in new business development activities. Yet, he was very good at what he did. The client loved him.

The solution: he became available to the client for full-time employment. That deal consummated, he was happier, the client was delighted and Jerry was free to begin work with a new  collaborator with a business development gene.

Thought Leadership: A Thoughtleading Frame of Mind

It is generally accepted in the consulting ranks that thoughtleading—      publishing, speaking on topics related to original thought, research, individual intellectual capital and work experience demonstrate competence and expertise.  If each collaborator in a group is actively engaged in thoughtleading activities such as these, the probability of additional opportunity for collaboration is more likely.  A thoughtleading frame of mind can generate greater market exposure and perceived expertise for the group.

Collaborating consultants have a dual responsibility; to their own practice and to their collaborative team to publish and speak.  This illustrates the concept of  “congruency” mentioned in our second premise.

In productive collaborations, published works and joint presentations as well as shared success stories, help build credibility.

A good example of collaborative thought leading synergy is the book “Absolute Honesty” by Bob Phillips and Larry Johnson.  These two individuals, with completely different expertise, worked together to develop a product that is useful to both individual practices. Bob is an Organizational  Development specialist and Larry is a  motivational speaker. Bob developed the “Straight Talk” workshop which was generated from the book, as a   major component of his practice and Larry uses the book’s concepts and principles as a major component of his keynotes.

When Larry asked Bob to collaborate on a book, the common ground for both was honesty and integrity in the workplace.  The basis for their collaborative efforts was their personal value system of relating to clients and others with a high standard of integrity and respect.

One can see the “Trust”, “Thought Leadership” and “Business Development” parts of our four circle model at work in this example.

Project Execution

The ultimate determination of success in a collaborative engagement is  “delivery” to the client.  There must be clear expectations; before, during and after the work is completed.

In a recent collaborative engagement with multiple people, projects and deadlines, Diane found using a project management worksheet was the best tool for managing deliverables.  Remember the Gantt chart?  Collaborators must discuss in detail and reach consensus on each of the deliverables to avoid jeopardizing the project or a negative impact to the client.  Open and honest communication is essential.  We suggest five categories around which to achieve collaborative clarity. 

Deliverables:  The first rule of deliverables—be clear and specific.  Be very, very clear and specific.  The   second rule—never agree to pay a   collaborating consultant an hourly fee in a fixed price contract.  While it may sound obvious, we won’t mention which   author fell prey to this. 

Deliverables should be clearly defined, specific and easily identifiable. Here’s a specific example: train 25 sales   people in 5 specific locations nationwide.  Here’s a non-specific and vague example: improve the productivity of the sales force.  And here’s an example that has the potential for trouble:     improve the sales force productivity by 30% in the next year.  While this last example is specific, it may be difficult to achieve because it is out of the consultant’s span of control. Whether   defining deliverables as a standalone consultant, or in a collaborative arrangement, task ownership and       expected results must be clear.

Milestones and Checkpoints:  If your client proposal does not reference a timeline for deliverables, you may want to consider one. Project management software and templates are plentiful.  However, a well-designed Excel spreadsheet may be sufficient for  planning, scheduling and monitoring   a project.

The timeline identifies various milestones, checkpoints and dependencies of the project.  It communicates to the client when the work should be completed.   It also helps both client and consultant in scheduling resources, staff, etc. and staying focused on priorities.

Fee Structure:  Building a fair revenue sharing model is key to avoiding many issues. If not addressed prior to the launch of a client engagement, a poorly planned fee structure can lead to a quick, one-project, bitter ending to what could have been a potentially great collaborative team.

Table 1 suggests a useful Financial Split Model.


Intellectual Property (IP):     Assure that ownership of any IP created in preparation for, during and/or after project completion is clearly defined.  Typically, IP agreements are written to cover inventions or techniques that may result from project execution. The basic issue is who owns what and under what conditions.

For example, IP related to the project itself (software developed, designs, tools) typically reverts to the client as work-for-hire outcomes. If a new “tool” is consultancy-practice-related, ownership will revert to the managing consultancy practice as long as specifically understood by the client and collaborators.  The tool, from that point on, is owned by the collaborator under whose business entity the project is being executed.

Whatever the circumstance, clarity between all parties is critical.P.S. The last 1% is set aside for the post-execution celebration.

Data Retention:  Every step along the way, documents and electronic communication must be managed.  It is vital that data created, collected and presented,  be retained and maintained.  Data and filing systems (paper  and electronic) should be easily accessible and well organized. If you or the client need a document during the project or post-project, records should be easy to retrieve.

In one case, the owner of a large firm expressed concern over the value of a major two-year transformation program.  The consultant volunteered a comprehensive project audit.  Because all project work had been well documented (proposals, work product, deliverables, communications, etc.) the audit turned a stern-faced confrontation to a delighted client experience and supplemental work. 


When problems arise in a collaboration, it is usually because details, deliverables, expectations, ownership, fees and accountabilities were not clarified, agreed to, documented and/or signed.

In addition to the contractual specifics of individual projects, it is imperative that collaborators understand and work within a mutually agreed upon and understood framework—a framework that extends beyond a single project to one that creates a long term business relationship. 

We have proposed a four-circle collaboration model with crucial and   distinct parts: Trust, Business Development, Thought Leadership and Project Execution. Understanding and  operating within this framework     creates the greatest congruency and synergy for all concerned.  


About the authors:

Diane Gibson, is President and Founder of DMG Consultancy, Ltd. an organizational development and change management     consulting firm serving clients in Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

Bob Phillips, is a Principal with RW &  Associates, Inc. an organizational development consultancy headquartered in Bend, OR specializing in cultural ethics. Bob is co-author of “Absolute Honesty”, now in its 10th printing, and the book’s companion  “Straight Talk” workshop.

Jerry Vieira, CMC  is President and   Founder of The QMP Group, Inc., a Portland, OR. based management consulting firm that assists clients in growing the market value of their businesses through market strategy and marketing & sales organizational transformations.


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Common Sales Myth #5 – Closing Techniques are Effective

Let’s start this discussion with a stipulation that all successful sales have to go through some sort of closing stage.  Nothing happens until a customer or client agrees to pay your company for the delivery of a service or a product.  So, in the strictest sense, I guess we can call that a “close”.  We can also imagine that all commerce in the world would come to a screeching halt unless some kind of transaction closing happened. Sales Person

So, good closing techniques are essential – right?  And if that’s so why am I targeting closing techniques as a myth?

A Closing Process is Different than a Closing Technique

A “Closing Process” is likely to be mechanistic.  Get the quantity and delivery dates correct, get the PO issued and confirm with the customer your ability to meet the delivery schedule.  These days that process may be enabled by all sorts of mobile systems, and field inventory accessibility tools.  That’s mechanistic closing.

“Closing Techniques” are something different all-together.   Closing Techniques are many times designed to manipulate the emotions of the buyer, or to create a sense of urgency, guilt or fear, toward the end of triggering a commitment to buy.  At one level, an example might be a car salesman saying something like, “Well, these models are going fast.  In fact, there was a guy in here earlier that test drove and liked the exact car you just expressed an interest in.  He said he was bringing his wife back this evening for a final decision.”  Or, in a business-to-business environment, “We are just about at capacity and if you really need delivery in July, we need to get your order committed and on the schedule no later than end of this week.”

Well before you assume that closing techniques are cool, perhaps even having been indoctrinated by the training your own sales management required, consider the following information – then decide for yourself.

The Impact of being “Closed” by a “Closing Technique” 

Neil Rackham in his book “SPIN Selling” reveals the results of 10 years of research done by the Huthwaite Center into high $-value sales success, analyzing 10,000 sales people and 35,000 sales calls in 27 countries.  They studied 116 factors that might contribute to sales success.  

The results of that study concluded that customers with which “Closing Techniques” were used (emotional, urgency or fear) were:

  1. Less likely to buy
  2. Less likely to re-buy
  3. Less likely to be satisfied after the buy

Admittedly that is an extremely brief description of his work and its conclusions.  But it is compelling – and I strongly recommend all sales managers read “SPIN Selling“.  It may alter, for the better and forever, your thoughts about training your sales people to use “Assumptive” closes, the “Standing Room Only” close, the “Alternative” close, or any other trick closing technique.

The Huthwaite SPIN model offers an excellent, and more effective, sales process alternative.  SPIN is an achronym, and stands for Situation, Problem, Implication and Need-Payoff.  The SPIN selling process trains people how to use questions of each type to win a sale.

So, Why is So Much Emphasis Still Placed on the Training and Use of “Closing Techniques”?

Today, the pressure on Sales Managers to produce sales results is higher than it has been in years.  Foreign and price-based competition, combined with a still iffy and sluggish economy is resulting in significant pressure on small-to-mid-sized firms.  The result is that CEOs, Owners and Sales Managers believe that closing techniques will somehow move a sale forward more quickly.  But, in my experience I find that they are, for the most part, ignorant of what the data from the Huthwaite study reveal – and ignorant of other more effective sales techniques.  And, they may be pressed to find the time or money to embark upon such a change of direction and approach in mid-stride.


Customer and Client Collaboration Works Much Better

So rather than disenfranchising your sales prospects with slick closing techniques, consider a sales approach more like the Winter Olympics sport of curling.  A good sales person is like the “sweeper” who, through patient and detailed questioning, problem solving and collaboration leads the customer to the best answer to help them achieve their goal.  


Guest Post: Why 50:50 Partnerships can be Dangerous

We are pleased to introduce our QMP Insights readers to our guest blogger, Mr. James Hillas, P.C., Attorney at Law. The material he offers in this brief and extremely valuable post, is something business start-ups, consultants and even current partnerships can benefit from thinking about. Much appreciation to Jim, for giving us permission to republish his piece.

Many two-owner businesses start out as equal partners to avoid potential conflict.  After all, what could be more fair than a 50-50 split?  It avoids a potentially awkward discussion about whose contributions are more important, and allows each partner to equally share in the risk and reward.

Unfortunately, what looks like the easy way out can turn into a nightmare.  No matter how compatible or easygoing two people may be, they will not agree on everything.  And if one of those disagreements involves a major decision, an equal partnership can mean a permanent deadlock leading to a shutdown of the business.

Working out a solution ahead of time can mean the difference between success and failure.  One option is to value each partner’s contributions and decide on an unequal ownership split, for example, 51-49.

If the business is structured as an LLC, it is possible to draft the governing documents to permit partners to share profits and losses equally, but have unequal voting power on key decisions.

Yet another option is to add a third owner with a small percentage of ownership—say two percent—to act as the swing vote.  This prevents either majority owner from taking action without the consent of at least one other owner.

If two partners are still determined to be 50-50 owners, they should at least have a buy-sell agreement that provides a process for allowing one partner to buy out the other’s interest if there is a permanent deadlock.  For example, a simple buy-sell agreement provision for a 50-50 partnership might allow Partner 1 to set the terms of an offer to buy out Partner 2.  Partner 2 has two options: accept the offer and sell, or reject the offer and buy out Partner 1 on the same terms.  The “shotgun” choice is similar to one sibling cutting the cake in two and letting the other sibling choose which piece to take.

If you are starting a business with another partner or are currently in a 50-50 partnership, consider setting things up or changing them to avoid potential gridlock.


Jim Hillas can be reached at 503-407-6074, through eMail to Jim@Hillaslaw.com. His website is www.HillasLaw.com .