5 Steps to Assuring the Success of Your Branding Program


A Good Brand: Cause or Effect?

Perhaps it’s a result of living in the Northwest for the last 20 years that I am periodically afflicted by the “salmon complex” – the uncontrollable impulse to swim against the current, despite obstacles. And so it is, I find myself in such a stream with regard to the growing pandemonium toward B2B branding programs. It’s not that I don’t believe that “Brand” has value, in fact, just the opposite. Brand has enormous value. It’s just that brand power is the effect, not the cause of B2B market success – and the strategic research proves it.

I have had the opportunity to observe a wide range of branding initiatives at B2B companies. At opposite ends of the spectrum, two come to mind. The first was a simple logo redesign for a small private company. The other, a million-dollar comprehensive branding initiative for a mid-market public firm. Neither initiative seemed to have any visible impact on the firm’s earnings.

After those initiatives had been in place a while, I asked the executives of each company whether they thought their branding program was a success. The answer, in each case, was an unequivocal “No”.

Not too long ago I gave a talk on market strategy to MBA students at a prestigious local university. At the end of the talk, one of the students approached me and expressed amazement and disbelief. How could I possibly give a detailed talk on market strategy without mentioning the importance of branding? He was agitated and animated, his arms waving about as he skittered around in front of me, like a drop of water on a hot skillet. It was as if I had missed stating the importance of water to agriculture.


So, why all the hysteria and stampede around branding?

Even though branding programs often fail to move the needle – their popularity remains ubiquitous. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • It feels good: A new brand. A refreshed tag line. A fantastic logo. A clean, well-constructed website. Looking at these products of a branding program makes you feel good. Customers can quickly see the highly visible outcomes. Executives smile at the wondrous accomplishment, reinforced by the adulation of their peers telling them how snappy it all looks.
  • The majority of the creative energy needed can be subcontracted to, and accomplished by, outside folks – minimally increasing anyone’s internal workload
  • Marketing and sales teams are hounding their management to spend money on branding
  • Branding gives the marketing team something concrete to focus their energy on – something on which to build a whole marketing communications program
  • Websites need to be constantly refreshed anyway – and a rebranding typically does that in a big way
  • There’s little downside risk, except for the money spent
  • Everybody’s doing it, and
  • Everybody’s selling it

Now, please don’t get me wrong. I sincerely appreciate the value of a good brand image in attracting customers – but a brand (the image, interpretation and meaning of your name, tag line and logo) is an effect not a cause, of success. What impact would the Apple logo have if Steve Jobs hadn’t first amazed the world with a steady stream of mind-blowing, innovative products?

What your company and its products and services mean to their target markets, i.e. the customer experience surrounding your value proposition, must have already been delivered and validated in the marketplace before a brand can be meaningfully established.


Strategic Marketing Research and RPQL

The voluminous PIMS* database and research from the Strategic Planning Institute, conclude that the customer’s perception of a product’s quality relative to its competitors, is the prime driver of financial success. This is called RPQL – Relative Perceived Quality Leadership. The research concludes that financial success is the outcome of achieving RPQL – and brand power is also a result of RPQL – not the other way around.

Quality means more than just “it won’t break”. It means that the product or service experience meets customer expectations – consistently delivering on its promises. And, delivering a relative perceived quality leadership experience takes consistent organizational rigor and discipline. No matter the logo! The customer must experience RPQL first hand, and then the synaptic connection can be made to the brand name and logo.


Achieving the Branding Impact You Intend: 5 Steps

  • Develop, deliver and confirm a meaningful value proposition experience first:

The Law of Value Exchange states, “The source of all economic value in your company originates from a customer’s willingness to exchange their cash for what, in their perception, delivers greater economic, physical, emotional or political value in return.”

  • Assure that your value proposition targets a market with substantial momentum and potential:

The world’s best boat, sporting the flashiest logo and most clever tag line goes nowhere in a river that is devoid of water. And remember, a brand has different meanings to different markets. Focus your investment and energy developing a meaningful RPQL experience in a meaningful growth market.

  • Don’t muddle corporate and product branding:

Smaller companies with petite marketing budgets often try to create one brand for the whole firm. But they may be serving multiple market segments with different products delivering different value propositions. In such a situation, it might better to focus branding budgets on specific products, vis-à-vis branding the whole firm. For example, the GM (General Motors) brand has been badly damaged recently by a torrent of recalls, however one brand RPQL experience (Corvette) remains solid.

  • Understand what your firm means to your best customers:

I asked new and returning clients why they buy from QMP. I was surprised; it really wasn’t what I thought. When I repeatedly heard the same reply, I immediately changed the corporate logo to reflect that perceived value and experience. Here is the QMP logo.


Yup. Our clients told us they engage with QMP because they gain invaluable insight because we challenge them to think.

  • Align your brand:

Alignment does not mean just marketing materials, fonts and messaging. It means your whole damned company. From employee recruiting, to training, to product design, values, culture and customer service. All components must be aligned to reinforce the customer RPQL experience – which is your brand. When you invest in that kind of brand discipline, your brand promise will be delivered.


*PIMS stands for the Profit Impact of Market Strategy, a data base initiated by GE in the 1960’s to study the connection between strategy and profit. It is now maintained by the Strategic Planning Institute. It has tracked more than 500 key metrics of thousands of companies since the 60’s.

For more information on branding success contact Jerry Vieira at The QMP Group 503.318.2696 or Jerry@qmpassociates.com

The Black and White (and grey?) of Consulting Ethics

When practicing consultants join the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) and enthusiastically embark upon the journey to achieve Management Consulting Certification (CMC®), even the most experienced and confident consultants, with many years of professional and consulting experience under their belts, can temporarily stumble on the path.  Given the myriad of requirements needed to achieve certification and the intellectual ability of the typical experienced consultant, it is somewhat surprising to find that the place on the path that they commonly stumble is, remarkably, in one the two required certification exams – the Ethics exam.

It is a not uncommon, and personally embarrassing. surprise for a senior experienced consultant to discover that his/her presumed unwavering and reliable ethical compass may not point true north at all times and under all circumstances. But, rest assured, they do recover quickly, adjust their understanding, and pass.

The exam result is a wakeup call.  The good news is, that with a little bit of additional learning, coaching from IMC colleagues and deeper understanding, the potential for real-life ethical operator error is avoided and true north becomes easier to identify.


A Brief Background of CMC® Certification:

The Certified Management Consultant™ (CMC®) certification is awarded to those select consultants (only 10,000 worldwide) who have met global standards for practice competence, ethics, and results.

To put that 10,000 number in perspective, recent research done by one of our local Northwest Chapter Board members revealed roughly 8,000 professionals who designate themselves as consultants just in the greater Portland, OR area.  If extrapolated, and adding in the number of organizations such as accounting firms, law firms, IT firms, engineering firms and the like, (who in reality are many times acting as advisory consultants), the number skyrockets. This leads to the likely conclusion that, in all likelihood, less than 1% of consultants worldwide are actually Certified in the practice of Consulting.

The IMC Certification process, which culminates with the bestowing of CMC® (Certified Management Consultant) designation to a member is, undoubtedly, a rigorous process.  It is, nonetheless, eminently achievable by those willing to dedicate the time, study and effort required.  The good news is that, unlike my college fraternity, there is no physical hazing or need to stand barefoot in the snow with beer poured on your head.  (Or was that just a bad dream?)

But back to the point.  The CMC® rigor is intellectual, requiring the compilation and proof of:

–     Experience: reinforced by client recommendations, professional expertise and stature, thought leadership, case studies and testimonials

–     Practice Competency – in managing client engagements, client relationships and your business practice disciplines

–     Understanding: proven by the requirement to pass two written exams – one covering a Core Body of Knowledge and the other IMC Ethics, and

–     An Oral Defense: of your petition for certification before a 3-person panel of senior Certified CMC’s


What are IMC Ethics and what creates the challenges?

The IMC Code of Ethics can be found on the IMC organizational website at http://www.imcusa.org/default.asp?page=ETHICSCODE .  They won’t be repeated here.

But reading them and understanding their applicability under real life business circumstances are two different things.  It’s in the real life application that the challenges are created and the scenarios presented in the exam truly challenge the taker.

The challenges of IMC-level ethics in real life can be illustrated in the points below.


  1. Sometimes they demand we sublimate our personal self-interest

Most client-related ethical circumstances consultants come in contact with present us a pretty clear black and white set of ethical decisions – and some actually bring us the opportunity to do our job better.  For example: If we are an environmental consultant hired to verify the chemical levels of our client’s factory effluent the ethics are clear.  If the effluent is noncompliant we tell the client – with no regard for whether they will like what they hear or whether they will want to rehire us.

  1. Sometimes they require courage

In the most extreme of cases, if test results are clear, their implications on health and safety real and expressed and recommendations for problem amelioration are not pursued, or if it is apparent that a request has been made to the consultant to falsify information or “lose” the data, these circumstances step way over the legal and ethical boundary. Then, there is the requirement to whistle blow.

Would you have that courage?

  1. Sometimes they demand we put relationships second

It is not uncommon that in the course of a consultation a professional employee of the client will ask you to help them find another job because they are unhappy where they are.  This is particularly sticky if you have developed a personal relationship with that employee – perhaps even in several previous client engagements with other companies.

The favor cannot be accommodated – particularly if it would be harmful to the client to lose that employee.  Rather than finding that individual a job, energies must be brought to bear on resolving the source of the dissatisfaction in a collaborative way with the employee and their manager.  Diplomacy is required for sure, but IMC ethics always require you to work in the best interest of the client first.  The requirement is to work to resolve the issue collaboratively. Not work behind the back of the client.

  1. Sometimes they require us to turn-down business

When a consultant develops a trusted-advisor relationship with a client, the client frequently seeks the consultant’s advice on a wider range of subjects than is the consultant’s specialty. IMC Ethics require a consultant not to accept an assignment that they know they are not qualified to service.

  1. Sometimes they require us to be Absolutely Honest and confront people – even consulting colleagues

Another demanding application of IMC ethical standards is the requirement that one consultant call another on unethical behavior.  The good ol’ boy practice of looking the other way does not apply. In the worse cases such ethical breaches are required to be reported to the national certifying organization.

  1. Sometimes they require consultation with other consultants

This is for the grey areas. I have, more than once, called upon my fellow IMC CMC®-certified colleagues to advise me on a situation bordering on an ethical dilemma. Fortunately, none of these situations involved life or limb, been on the edge of legal questions or dealt with vast sums of someone else’s money. 

So why did I need advice?  Because I wanted to be the best consultant I could be for my clients.


It’s all about the client.

People ask me frequently what the economic benefit is of IMC CMC® certification. Why pay even the modest extra membership fee? Why work for certification? Why go through the re-certification process every 3 years? Why bother?

My answer is always the same. The benefits are primarily in the CMC®’s ability to service their clients better – with better practice disciplines, improved ethical guidelines, a higher level of thought leadership, a higher level of service and professional proficiency, the ability to call upon highly qualified and experienced colleagues to assist in tough situations and a host of other client-centered reasons.

Is all that possible without a CMC® certification? Yes. But while Certification may appear difficult to achieve, it’s easier to walk a proven path with 10,000 other experienced, creative,certified travelers who continually improve that path, than forge your own through the woods.




Reaching the CEO


Here is a reprint of a recent interview Jerry did with Kevin Price, author, publisher and radio host for the “Price of Business”.  Kevin is a syndicated columnist, both writing for the Huffington Post and appearing on Fox News. The interview explored professional approaches to reaching the CEO of small to midsized firms.


Price: Tell me about your firm (number of employees, location, type of companies you work with, etc.).

The QMP Group, Inc. is a Portland-OR-based management consulting firm whose mission it is to help small to mid-size, Business-to Business firms increase their market valuation. We accomplish this by helping them adopt the rigor and disciplines of the QMP (Quality Marketing Process) methodology. That methodology is embodied in our  Marketing & Sales Engine model. We install, repair, replace, align or supercharge whichever of the gears need attention.MarketingandSalesEngine

While The QMP Group itself operates periodically with only one or two employees, we service a wide range of our clients’ needs through close collaboration with highly qualified and experienced consultants of other complementary specialties: Finance, Organizational Development, IT, Operations, Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing.

Price: Tell us your story about reaching C-Level executives to do business?

I started reaching C-Level executives through Thought Leadership, that is, sharing my insights on market strategy through public speaking and writing for business journals. Basically, I was driven to passionately share my beliefs on the subject of the overriding importance or market strategy. I believed then, as I do now, that there is no more important management function than formulating a good market strategy, for the well-being of all stakeholders in a firm: the employees and their families, owners, shareholders, suppliers, customers and the community in which the business resides.

In the early days of my consulting practice I would give a talk at venues where CEOs convened to hear about specific topics of interest. I would give my talk and folks would walk up to me afterward, hand me a business card, and say, “That’s real interesting stuff. I think it might be able to help us. Please give me a call to arrange a time to get together and talk.”

Those introductions led to client engagements. Engagements led to client successes, and successes led to CEO-to-CEO referrals. QMP’s business is still largely maintained through talks and referrals.

One more point about talks. I call talks “Networking from the front of the room”. How else can you get 20 to 80 CEOs and Executives to give you their undivided attention for 45 minutes (with 15 minutes for questions afterwards). Not only that, whoever is sponsoring the venue does all the prep work: food, invitations, scheduling, room set up, etc. There is no more efficient way to reach Executives and CEOs en masse.

Of course, we are not talking about a 45-minute sales pitch here. There is no quicker way to destroy your reputation and credibility as a Thought Leader than trying the hard sell in a talk about insightful business practice. We are talking about a sincere exchange of insights that will help the listener.

Price: Do you know of other examples of businesses being creative in this endeavor?

Let me answer with a story. Several years ago our local chapter of the Institute of Management Consultants convened a members-only working session for the purpose of sharing our personal stories about what we attributed out personal consulting success to. Most of us in the chapter work with the CEOs or high level execs in our client firms.

Naively, I thought that all would say the same thing that I said, namely Thought Leadership – leading to CEO-to-CEO or advisor-to-CEO referrals.

As we went around the room giving each member a chance to tell their own story, I was amazed at the variety of “secret ingredients” of success in reaching CEO’s. Some said their personal network, some said referrals, some said their coaches driving them, some said, believe it or not, cold-calling! Being an engineer I became fixated with finding what could possibly be the common thread in such a diverse set of paths-to-success – and here’s the conclusion I arrived at.

In each case, what the consultant was really saying is, “This is what has worked for me, because this is who I am – naturally.” The individual who said networking is well known in the organization for having and staying connected to a personal and professional network that rivals God’s. The individual that said cold-calling teaches sales and cold-calling techniques for a living.

What I am saying here is that, a person’s path to connecting with a CEO inevitably follows the path of, and leverages, who they naturally are. It builds on what their natural affinity is and how they have channeled it.

A final note on this point: Once you have made your first CEO contacts and built first level successes – the referral machine (CEO-to-CEO or advisor-to-CEO referrals) takes over a fair share of the burden of CEO introductions.

Price: What lessons, if any, do you derive from these stories?

Great Question! Find out who you really are. Discover the thread in your life that is constant, and I believe you will find that it has consistently driven your past successes. Find it then extrapolate it. If that all sounds too esoteric, talk about it with a personal or business coach about your search for the thread. Strengths Finders (the book and the self-assessment) are very helpful. Here’s a link http://strengths.gallup.com/default.aspx.

Remember, your first CEO success can create a flywheel of CEO referrals. So give it all you’ve got. Leave nothing on the field.

Price: Tell us why it is important to for you to pitch to the CEO.

The owner of a privately-held firm is typically its CEO. The firm’s market value is connected directly to that owner’s wallet and net worth – and that individual’s personal wealth (short and long term), and the future of his or her family, are tied to market valuation of the business. Decisions about how to invest to increase that valuation are exclusively the realm of the CEO.

In addition, we are typically executing business process and organizational transformations in our engagements. These process changes have broader and longer term implications on employees, customers and owners, than say, paving the parking lot. The CEO must be involved and actively participate.

Price: What are some unique things you have done to get the attention of CEOs?

CEO’s trust their peers and their advisors. As a consultant, a CEO is not likely to quickly trust you, because they don’t know you. So, getting to CEO’s usually requires a bank shot of trust. A referral from a CEO’s advisor or respected peer is that bank shot of trust.

In turn, for a referral to be made to a CEO by an advisor or peer, that advisor or peer needs to: a) trust you and, b) believe in your expertise, either through personal experience or reputation.

Consultants accomplish this transfer of trust by either; a) demonstrating a track record of success that the CEO’s peer or advisor has witnessed firsthand, or b) building their reputation as substantive Thought Leaders, i.e. speaking and writing on topics germane to the CEO’s circumstance. Those written opinions, talks and successes need to be insightful and substantive.

Your track record and reputation as a Thought Leader, in the minds of a CEOs peer or advisor, is your CEO magnetism.

Price: Tell us about the type of companies with which you like to do business.

We prefer to do business with firms with CEO leaders that are,

1) open-minded,

2) decisive,

3) foster a company culture of accountability and expectations and

4) actively participate in the business.

Formulating an improved market strategy takes knowledge, expertise, analysis and creativity, but more importantly, execution takes real leadership. So, I guess, I am saying the type of leader is more important than the type of company.

Price: What suggestions do you have for others trying to reach CEOs.

Become a Thought Leader. Write, blog and speak to CEOs and CEO advisors.

Build Your Trusted-Advisor Referral Network: Research into how ideas and innovations diffuse into a market place indicates that intra-market network communications (peer-to-peer, or trusted-advisor-to-peer communication) is 13 times more effective in the spread of that idea than mass communications.

Make sure your network knows how to recognize clients you can help:… and, don’t be shy to ask for referrals

Treasure, Preserve, Respect and Thank that Network: Stay in communication, acknowledge and appreciate former clients, advisers and referrers.

Always Act in the Best Interest of Clients: Trusted advisors are trusted because they are transparent and the CEO believes that they are acting in his best interest. Sublimate your needs to the client’s best interest in all that you do. That reputation will me your badge of behavioral honor.

Document your Successes: Measure and record the indicators of your success – and assure they can be validated by references from that engagement



A Consultancy Collaboration Model


Collaboration—An  Essential Ingredient for Growth

It is quite common for members of professional groups or associations to look to one another for collegial support, the sharing of best practices and referrals. These interactions are just a few of the myriad of benefits. 


But for the most part these interactions are transactional and stand-alone. The interaction happens while each consultant goes about his or her own business.  There may be a referral fee exchanged—or perhaps a professional services fee for assistance with a practice challenge such as a web site, IT problem or personal coaching need.

While these interactions are undoubtedly valuable, they rarely result in the kind of fundamental structural change to a practice that enables significant revenue growth.  Achieving growth in a practice by increasing the size of   client engagements, almost always requires discovering ways to add both capacity and capability—in other words, additional consultants with complementary specialties.

A successful venture into multi-consultant engagements requires a strong collaboration model. In this white-paper we offer our shared experiences and a four-part model.

The Model:  The Four Circles of Consultant  Collaboration 

The Four Circle model is based on two premises. First, for a collaboration model to work, it must provide value to all stakeholders, clients and collaborators—clients first.  Secondly, an effective collaboration model must be congruent with the individual collaborators’ success models.  In this article we will focus on the first premise.  

The model depicted in Figure A posits a framework for a long lasting collaborative arrangement that will support continued practice and client growth.  The model creates long-term synergy.  It does not come together for a single engagement and then dissolve.

The four components are: a) Trust, b) Business Development, c) Thought Leadership and d) Project Execution. See the figure below



Trust:  The Foundation

Mutual trust means an explicit commitment to a common code of ethics and values. This is essential.  For us, as management consultants, there is no better starting point than the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) Code of Ethics.

Our experience is compiled in a Ten Point Trust Checklist and will supplement that  “gut-feeling” concerning a potential collaborator.  The checklist helps to determine whether you invite this person to work with you and to meet your most valued client based upon a more meaningful and objective criteria than “He or she seems nice”. You owe your client meaningful due diligence when selecting collaborators.

For each item on the checklist, one should ask, “To what degree does this potential collaborator demonstrate…”

Ten Point Trust Checklist

1. Competence: client results, track record, testimonials, project management, case studies, industry expertise, academic accomplishment, thought leadership

2. Primacy of the Client: priorities and value to client; has the best interest of the client at heart at all times

3. Intra-Collaborator Communication: open and honest, tool savvy

4. Collaboration: track record of other successful collaborative projects

5. Discipline: process and project management

6. Documentation: reliable tools and methodologies

7. Client Communication: strong  verbal, written and people skills

8. Financial/Business Acumen: linking all activities to the economic benefit of the client

9.  Commitment: accountable and dependable

10. Integrity

There are two important trust links that must be solid.  The first is between you and your collaborators and the second is between the collaborator and the client.

Regarding interpersonal collaborator trust: trust does not typically happen overnight.  Nor does trust grow without continually building and reinforcing the points on the checklist.  Remember, it takes years to build trust— only seconds to destroy it. 

Regarding client trust: your client is depending on you to select only the best collaborator to work on his or her project.  By using the Ten Point Trust Checklist you can clearly articulate why you are making the recommendation you are.

Business Development: Also Known As Making Rain

Anyone desiring a successful practice needs to know how to capture new business. Collaborative projects where one or more of the collaborators simply burn-off project backlog landed by others, do not build effective long-lasting collaborations.  Each member of the collaborative team should be actively working to increase the visibility of the group and increase the probability of landing new opportunities.  Leaving the rainmaking to everyone else does not build a long term collaborative   relationship or trust. No free rides.

Business development is something we as consultants need to do everyday.  The challenge is that most of us are trying to balance our time between   execution, administration and selling. We typically spend more time in the delivery mode (where we actually use our expertise and do what we enjoy) than in developing new business relationships and opportunities.

Several years ago, Jerry brought on (hired) a collaborator with expertise in organizational management to assist in a two-year corporate turnaround project.  It was explicit; collaboration would require business development—not  simply execution. After 6 months it was apparent this individual could not, did not want to, and avoided at all costs, engaging in new business development activities. Yet, he was very good at what he did. The client loved him.

The solution: he became available to the client for full-time employment. That deal consummated, he was happier, the client was delighted and Jerry was free to begin work with a new  collaborator with a business development gene.

Thought Leadership: A Thoughtleading Frame of Mind

It is generally accepted in the consulting ranks that thoughtleading—      publishing, speaking on topics related to original thought, research, individual intellectual capital and work experience demonstrate competence and expertise.  If each collaborator in a group is actively engaged in thoughtleading activities such as these, the probability of additional opportunity for collaboration is more likely.  A thoughtleading frame of mind can generate greater market exposure and perceived expertise for the group.

Collaborating consultants have a dual responsibility; to their own practice and to their collaborative team to publish and speak.  This illustrates the concept of  “congruency” mentioned in our second premise.

In productive collaborations, published works and joint presentations as well as shared success stories, help build credibility.

A good example of collaborative thought leading synergy is the book “Absolute Honesty” by Bob Phillips and Larry Johnson.  These two individuals, with completely different expertise, worked together to develop a product that is useful to both individual practices. Bob is an Organizational  Development specialist and Larry is a  motivational speaker. Bob developed the “Straight Talk” workshop which was generated from the book, as a   major component of his practice and Larry uses the book’s concepts and principles as a major component of his keynotes.

When Larry asked Bob to collaborate on a book, the common ground for both was honesty and integrity in the workplace.  The basis for their collaborative efforts was their personal value system of relating to clients and others with a high standard of integrity and respect.

One can see the “Trust”, “Thought Leadership” and “Business Development” parts of our four circle model at work in this example.

Project Execution

The ultimate determination of success in a collaborative engagement is  “delivery” to the client.  There must be clear expectations; before, during and after the work is completed.

In a recent collaborative engagement with multiple people, projects and deadlines, Diane found using a project management worksheet was the best tool for managing deliverables.  Remember the Gantt chart?  Collaborators must discuss in detail and reach consensus on each of the deliverables to avoid jeopardizing the project or a negative impact to the client.  Open and honest communication is essential.  We suggest five categories around which to achieve collaborative clarity. 

Deliverables:  The first rule of deliverables—be clear and specific.  Be very, very clear and specific.  The   second rule—never agree to pay a   collaborating consultant an hourly fee in a fixed price contract.  While it may sound obvious, we won’t mention which   author fell prey to this. 

Deliverables should be clearly defined, specific and easily identifiable. Here’s a specific example: train 25 sales   people in 5 specific locations nationwide.  Here’s a non-specific and vague example: improve the productivity of the sales force.  And here’s an example that has the potential for trouble:     improve the sales force productivity by 30% in the next year.  While this last example is specific, it may be difficult to achieve because it is out of the consultant’s span of control. Whether   defining deliverables as a standalone consultant, or in a collaborative arrangement, task ownership and       expected results must be clear.

Milestones and Checkpoints:  If your client proposal does not reference a timeline for deliverables, you may want to consider one. Project management software and templates are plentiful.  However, a well-designed Excel spreadsheet may be sufficient for  planning, scheduling and monitoring   a project.

The timeline identifies various milestones, checkpoints and dependencies of the project.  It communicates to the client when the work should be completed.   It also helps both client and consultant in scheduling resources, staff, etc. and staying focused on priorities.

Fee Structure:  Building a fair revenue sharing model is key to avoiding many issues. If not addressed prior to the launch of a client engagement, a poorly planned fee structure can lead to a quick, one-project, bitter ending to what could have been a potentially great collaborative team.

Table 1 suggests a useful Financial Split Model.


Intellectual Property (IP):     Assure that ownership of any IP created in preparation for, during and/or after project completion is clearly defined.  Typically, IP agreements are written to cover inventions or techniques that may result from project execution. The basic issue is who owns what and under what conditions.

For example, IP related to the project itself (software developed, designs, tools) typically reverts to the client as work-for-hire outcomes. If a new “tool” is consultancy-practice-related, ownership will revert to the managing consultancy practice as long as specifically understood by the client and collaborators.  The tool, from that point on, is owned by the collaborator under whose business entity the project is being executed.

Whatever the circumstance, clarity between all parties is critical.P.S. The last 1% is set aside for the post-execution celebration.

Data Retention:  Every step along the way, documents and electronic communication must be managed.  It is vital that data created, collected and presented,  be retained and maintained.  Data and filing systems (paper  and electronic) should be easily accessible and well organized. If you or the client need a document during the project or post-project, records should be easy to retrieve.

In one case, the owner of a large firm expressed concern over the value of a major two-year transformation program.  The consultant volunteered a comprehensive project audit.  Because all project work had been well documented (proposals, work product, deliverables, communications, etc.) the audit turned a stern-faced confrontation to a delighted client experience and supplemental work. 


When problems arise in a collaboration, it is usually because details, deliverables, expectations, ownership, fees and accountabilities were not clarified, agreed to, documented and/or signed.

In addition to the contractual specifics of individual projects, it is imperative that collaborators understand and work within a mutually agreed upon and understood framework—a framework that extends beyond a single project to one that creates a long term business relationship. 

We have proposed a four-circle collaboration model with crucial and   distinct parts: Trust, Business Development, Thought Leadership and Project Execution. Understanding and  operating within this framework     creates the greatest congruency and synergy for all concerned.  


About the authors:

Diane Gibson, is President and Founder of DMG Consultancy, Ltd. an organizational development and change management     consulting firm serving clients in Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

Bob Phillips, is a Principal with RW &  Associates, Inc. an organizational development consultancy headquartered in Bend, OR specializing in cultural ethics. Bob is co-author of “Absolute Honesty”, now in its 10th printing, and the book’s companion  “Straight Talk” workshop.

Jerry Vieira, CMC  is President and   Founder of The QMP Group, Inc., a Portland, OR. based management consulting firm that assists clients in growing the market value of their businesses through market strategy and marketing & sales organizational transformations.


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PinPoint Change: Reducing the Frustration of Slow Process Improvement

What is Pin-Point change?

Pin-Point change is a simplified, three-step approach for affecting high-leverage, rapid business process improvement.

A pinpoint change comprises; 1) the identification of the single most critical and ineffective business process preventing the firm from achieving its objectives, 2) the identification of the specific process change needed, and 3) focusing, laser-like executive attention and decision-making on the few key people in the organization that must quickly change their behaviors to fix those ineffective processes. This does not necessarily mean removing or replacing them – unless, of course, they simply cannot or refuse to quickly learn and adjust behaviors.iStock_000005918667XSmall

What’s different about this approach to change is that to achieve the most rapid positive result, change is only required of a few strategically positioned people in the organization that are key links in the ineffective process – not the whole organization. Focus permits rapid change. Once the success of the change is proven, the rest of the organization typically falls in line, encouraged by both the initial success and the management intensity applied to the execution of the change. As a result all organizational change is faster.


An example:

The sales manager of a small, innovative health care products firm was convinced that the fastest road to sales growth was quickly setting up as many distributors as possible. He had charged his independent reps with the task of finding those distributors and directed the whole customer service team to respond quickly in setting up these new distributors when they called – credit checks, registration, setting them up in the system, getting them sales materials and servicing their other needs.

The number of distributors exploded – rapidly jumping into the hundreds. The customer service folks were overwhelmed servicing distributor requests, responding to inquiries and processing extremely small orders. In spite of this intense effort, sales results, as measured by sales per distributor, were poor.

The channel strategy and channel management process was broken – running wildly, un-steered and developing no traction.

Reversing this strategy by creating a single, national master distributor to which to send smaller distributors and distributor wannabe’s allowed the sales and customer service team to focus on the most important larger distributors, large end-user sales, lucrative growing market segments and most profitable products. After the channel strategy and process change, customer service productivity improved and revenue quickly turned upwards.

Changing the mind of just one person in this critical distributor management process was the key. The sales manager had to be convinced that his direction, process and behavior needed to change.

The ineffective process was channel strategy. The single person that needed to change behavior was the sales manager. One process, one behavioral change and one strategically positioned individual made the difference between success and failure.


The “Drive-Train” of any business:

A drive-train is the series of mechanical parts of an automobile that actually make it move. It starts with the engine, which in turn is connected to the transmission, which in turn is connected to the drive shaft, which in turn is connected to the read-end differential, which in turn is connected to the wheels through the rear axle. All this energy transfer goes on, beneath the visibility of the driver. All the parts of the drive train have to work together for the car to move. If any one of those segments of the drive train breaks, the car can’t move. The energy produced by the engine is lost before it gets to the wheels.

In most business units, the drive-train is the sequence of processes and people that makes the business run. In small to mid-size businesses, process-specific drive-trains typically operate two levels below the visibility of the business owner or executive in charge – yet these people-process drive-trains are the connections through which most business activity takes place.

The majority of day-to-day activity goes on beneath the awareness and visibility of executives. That’s actually good news – for the most part. It means the executive can get the flu on Sunday, stay home for the week, play golf on the weekend and return to work on Monday and notice the business hasn’t collapsed. The bad news is that processes in this chain, when broken or inefficient, continually produce weak or bad results. The executive sees less than optimum results in her business dashboard, but doesn’t know where the process is broken. It’s like the driver of a car, not understanding, when she presses down harder on the accelerator, why the car doesn’t seem to be move any faster.


A Typical Business Drive Train:

A typical business drive train might look like this. A sales person finds an opportunity. That sales person links to the inside sales and/or estimating team that produces a quote. That part of the drive-train, in turn, connects with the order entry people, who, once the customer decides to order, accepts the order and enters it into “the system”. The system then informs the production planner, the materials person, purchasing and the final link, operations – which in-turn builds and delivers that order. Then the “system” takes over and spits out an invoice. When the invoice is paid, accounts receivable enters the receipt into the “system” and deposits the check in the bank.

Each step is a mini-segment of the larger business process. But, because these drive-train links are more-or-less serial, one persistently ineffective segment will continually plague and corrupt the whole business.

In a small to mid-size business, at its most fundamental level, each drive-train segment comprises, the combination of a basic process and a key person.


Fast Change – Rapid Improvement:

The fastest three-step route to positive change comprises 1) the rapid identification of the inefficient or broken process in the business drive-train, 2) the identification of the specific process change needed and 3) the focus of management attention on the one individual through which behavioral change will be crucial.

I am continually amazed at how effective “the one process-one change-one individual” approach to improvement can be.

The steps of PinPoint change are straightforward:

1. Discover the broken process,

2. Identify the behavioral change needed,

3. Find the key individual whose behavior must be the first to change


One final consideration:

The one person that is critical to initiating all rapid behavioral change in a small-to-mid-size firm is the executive in charge. The speed of a drive-train change is only as fast as the decision on the part of the executive-in-charge to direct that change. A much higher probability of success exists, when the executive in charge, knowing what process is broken and what change is required, quickly identifies the key individual in the process and clearly communicates the expectation of what needs to be adjusted. An uncompromising insistence on the three-step approach is essential. Executive indecisiveness can hold it all back.

My advice to executives: Do not let the discomfort of insisting and confronting the need for behavioral change of a few key people in a critical drive train process jeopardize the well-being of all other employees and stakeholders.

It’s that fundamental.

Copyright The QMP Group, Inc. 2013    All Rights Reserved


Click here to learn more about Marketing & Sales Organizational Tranformations led by Jerry Vieira and The QMP Group

The 8 Client Personality Types


Aristotle, (though some attribute it to Mary Poppins), is purported to have said, “Well begun, is half done”. We’ll stipulate that neither Ari or Mary were talking to a group of consultants, or consultative sales folks, but consultant types quickly learn that early preparation can make a big difference in their ability to achieve a client success.

Beginning well requires quickly determining whether all the key ingredients of a “complete” success even exist. These ingredients include; 1) a client executive that has the personality to affect organizational change, 2) the potential of a major economic benefit for the client, 3) a style match of the consultant to the culture of the client organization and 4) solid gains beyond just your fee, for you, the consultant.

The Executive Personality Factor:

Early in their careers consultants learn that project success is rarely generated solely from their own catalytic, outside-in efforts. Every success needs internal collaboration with a client executive to affect change, assure Facial expressionsexecution and sustain the economic benefit of a project beyond the engagement.

Recognizing the critical role the lead executive plays in client success, we conducted an analysis of the last ten years of QMP engagements. We wanted to discover the earliest predictors of success from personality-reads on the lead executive. Why did we do this? Because, not all engagements are “complete” successes, and we recognized that achieving a complete success significantly multiplied the economic benefits for both us and our clients.

That analysis brought us to this conclusion:

“The personality type of the highest client executive involved in a specific consulting engagement, not simply his title or position, is the best predictor of an engagement’s ultimate success and the longevity of economic benefit received by both the client and the consultancy practice”

In your career, you may have participated in any of the myriad of commonly practiced personality profiling exercises. Myers-Briggs may have awarded you the distinction of an ENTJ or ISFP. Another test may have designated you a color personality, such as an Orange, or in the DISC profiling system, labeled you an “S”.

While self-knowledge is valuable, it’s not likely you will be able to ask your clients to subject themselves to a battery of personality tests before you provide them a proposal or start an assignment. So the problem remains. How can one identify client types and predict success from the earliest discussions? How can one know when to stay and when to run?

Sorting through hundreds of transactions resulted in our Approach-to-Business (ATB) scale for classifying executives. Admittedly, it wasn’t the most scientific of studies. We don’t have a research psychologist on staff. We simply sorted and grouped like-client individuals, named the groups and then regrouped by project success.

The grouping resulted in eight categories. Only three of the types seemed to have the key success gene, which we identified as the ability and courage to drive change.

So that this last point is not lost, it deserves mentioning again. The key factor in the successful types is their ability to manage and execute organizational change. In our experience, all types will say they are prepared to affect change but only three types actually do.

It’s Not the Title, It’s the Type

It is common to hear among consultants that “executive buy-in” is essential for engagement success. Our data refuted the generality of that claim. We restate it this way, “buy-in from executives at the right level and of the right ATB types is essential for success”. To truly be valuable in generating success, executives must be both the right ATB type and high enough in the organization to marshal resources and get attention when needed.

We have tested our ATB classification with consultants from around the country. They almost universally and immediately, recognize their own current and prospective clients among the types – as well as their project and proposal successes and failures. Once the patterns of these ATB personality types are recognized, one can adjust tactics, refocus resources appropriately and save an enormous amount of time while increasing the probability of “complete” success.

The 8 Client ATB Personality Types:

STUMPs: STUck in the Mud People will never change, they will never buy. They have a limited point of view and don’t move very far from it. Even if you are convinced, beyond any doubt, that they need your help and could reap enormous benefit, it is irrelevant. They are simply disinclined to buy professional services. Don’t try to convince or educate them, because they really don’t care. Politely walk away. Don’t persist. Unsolicited proposals will simply frustrate you, while bemusing them. It’s futile.

Takers: Takers know how to take. They take great notes, your time, your materials, your ideas, your concepts, and turn them into their own. They use your materials surreptitiously, under the radar. Credit or compensation for your ideas? What ideas?

Imagine having your third meeting with a client who appears to be interested, has taken a lot of notes but little or no action. Now, imagine the time and frustration you could have saved had you known from the outset that this potential client was a Taker. These prospects are experts at appropriating concepts and ideas, often asking during preliminary discussions if they can have copies of some of your key documents “to review with their people”. Don’t go there.

Opportunists: Opportunists want to purchase the minimum, bare bones package of services. Their hope is that purchasing the minimum will generate great results. Their expectation is first class results for the “economy” investment. Follow-through to success is rare, since they don’t have the expertise required to execute. Quite often the Opportunist will start many small projects. They will lose interest quickly if results are not immediate or if it seems like too much effort.

Boss-Made-Me-Do-Its: BMMDI’s (pronounced “Bim-Me-Dees”) are the political hangers-on of the corporate world. They provide lip service and public support for an improvement initiative but usually have little sincere enthusiasm—particularly if the consulting assignment has the likelihood of revealing and correcting weaknesses in their own department or function. They will engage, but only long enough to satisfy the boss. If the boss’ attention goes elsewhere, the engagement will die on the vine – as will success.

BMMDI’s have no personal commitment or belief. They may even engage in “lipotage” – public lip service, followed by indifference, or worse, sabotage. (The word “lipotage” was coined by my colleague Bob Phillips and co-author Larry Johnson in their book “Absolute Honesty” published by AMACOM Press).

A particularly hopeless combination is a BMMDI with an Opportunist boss.

Terribly Troubled: TT’s really need help and are willing to invest in serious solutions. Their level of pain is high, as is their motivation to fix the problem. They may research alternatives, but will make a decision quickly. They are typically in a rush to get started and consequently may miss some alternatives – but they will move forward. Spend quality time with these prospects to ensure they understand what will be done (deliverables), what’s required for success (commitment) and how you will fix the problem (approach).

Frustrated Drivers: FD’s can be very intense and quick in studying alternatives. Many times these are executives that inherited a family business or took over after a long oppressive or “old-fashioned” leader – perhaps a StuMP.

They have been waiting a long time for the opportunity to straighten things out. Their drive and motivation is high. They usually understand the weak points, the resources and commitment needed and, upon decision, will drive for quick, visible results.

Establishing well-defined goals, benchmarks, checkpoints and progress measurements will help FDs satiate their sense of urgency. Communicate frequently, clearly and succinctly. Emphasize speed, drive for quick traction and show results.

Sincerely Growth-Oriented (SGO): SGOs are there for the long term. These are clients that readily recognize they have issues and challenges, and demonstrate a sincere and strong desire to improve. An ideal type of client, they understand performance excellence and are motivated by it. They thrive on achieving goals and are constantly improving basic business processes. They are the best-of-the-best clients, intellectually, emotionally and financially. If you consistently provide high value to them in your engagements, SGOs will remain loyal for a long time and continue to award you new projects and referrals.

Dreamers: Imagine Don Quixote, the idealist and self-imagined white-knight savior. Dreamers are lofty in their vision and motivation, perhaps even charismatic, yet impulsive and occasionally misdirected. They are typically challenged at getting organizational buy-in and support, based on a history of failed past initiatives. Their grandiose visions of the corporate future are rarely realized. They talk enthusiastically but show little interest in getting deeply involved in the details of execution .

According to our research, Terribly Troubled (TT’s), Frustrated Drivers (FD’s) and Sincerely Growth Oriented (SGO’s) generate the most meaningful successes by an order of magnitude, in terms of the highest long-term value for all concerned.

But wait! Good ATB genes are required, but not sufficient.

ATB considerations create opportunities for complete success only if the three other raw ingredients exist as well.

Ingredient #1: Strong Economic Benefit:

Business-to-business executives buy consulting services because of a basic belief that the money invested in those services will return significantly greater economic value than the cost. If there isn’t a meaningful economic benefit to be achieved for the client, com “complete” success may end up a ‘Pyrrhic” success.

Ingredient #2: Consultant Style, Capabilities and Personality

These ingredients must Blend with the Client’s Culture: Clients want a consultant whose expertise is well-matched to their specific needs. Furthermore, the ideal client relationship must be based on mutual trust and open communication. But even with these factors covered, execution remains the biggest challenge, because the people in the organization must change the way they do things.

The ability to affect change is enhanced with good communication – and communication is most effective when the consultant’s personality and style match the personality, style and culture of the client organization.

Ingredient #3: Wins for the consultant:

Beyond the economic payoff, other rewards await a complete success: case studies, new tools and techniques, raw material for articles, referrals, follow-on business and new networking connections. If you are going to invest the next six months in a major client engagement, it’s better to find one of that holds the promise of the multiple rewards of a “complete” success.

Personality to Profit

A consistent challenge in selling consulting services to a new client is getting an audience at the right executive level. It is a coup. But when the actual discussion starts, it is common to get so focused on the problem at hand that one can easily forget to look for all the key ingredients of success.

We started this article with a quote from Aristotle, so it’s only fitting to end with a quote from the great American philosopher, Yogi Berra. Berra is purported to have said, “You can observe a lot, just by watching”. Let me add this, “..but you must remember to observe.”


Learn more about the QMP process for reading people and creating winning sales strategies in our one-day Sales Skills and Process Training Workshop, 60/90 minute on-line Sales Webinars or, for consultants, our Consultancy Navigator program.  If you have special need let us know of them through our Contact Us page, or call us at 503.318.2696.

Networking from the front of the room


There are two statements I hear repeatedly when speaking with professional services firms. The first is, “It’s a relationship business.” The second is, “We generate the majority of our new business through networking and referrals.”

In fact, service professionals (attorneys, bankers, financial advisors, IT service providers, consultants, brokers and accountants), tell me that they are encouraged (if not by their bosses, by everything they read) to attend a lot of networking events, engage in conversation, not drink too much and hand out business cards.

They are, in effect, being encouraged to play a numbers game. The more events attended and the more cards handed out, the more new clients. Why this approach? Because, it has worked in the past – and if it is not done, new client opportunities dry up. With all the hype in recent years about branding, eMarketing and social media – networking still ranks as a top priority for generating new clients for professional services firms.

But, think about this kind of networking for a moment. In the 30 minutes or so before an event speaker is introduced on the dais, you are supposed to: a) meet as many new people as possible, b) demonstrate sincere interest in who they are and what they do, c) identify their key challenges, d) empathize and e) build up enough mutual trust to get them to remember you well enough to agree to an appointment in the the next, oh let’s say, 3 months. There must be a better way.


The professional services marketplace is much more competitive these days. A lot more people are handing out a lot more business cards at a lot more events. In addition, a swarm of unemployed executives, and there are many, are buzzing the networking circuit. The bottom line is that professional services firms need a better way than traditional networking to stand out and find new opportunities in this market. They need a more effective way than traditional networking to generate the essential credibility and trust that precedes all new client opportunities.

Front of the Room Networking

Front of the room networking is the act of being the headline speaker at networking and other business events. It has incredible power to attract new prospects and many advantages over crowd surfing. The following list of advatntages illustrates the power of this approach:

1. An intriguing title will attract the right kinds of prospects with the right kinds of problems

Picking a title which addresses and offers approaches to problems commonly faced by your clients is a way to garner interest in your talk. In fact, if done well, the people attending will self-pre-qualify simply by demonstrating enough interest in the topic to attend and listen.

I recently offered a topic to an organization of management accountants for their October monthly meeting entitled, “How to Judge the Reality of your Marketing and Sales Team’s 2012 Forecast”. October, being coincident with most firms’ annual planning efforts, was perfect timing, and the topic being relevant attracted a good amount of attention.

2. Offer to speak at a venue that attracts, by function and title, the key decision makers or influencers for the service you provide

While it may be flattering to be asked to address the local Boy Scout troop, and you may get a feeling of civic and professional pride in doing so, if your professional services are bought or recommended by B2B CFOs, you may want to reserve some energy and your best jokes for the latter crowd.

3. Insight is Essential

Assuming you are addressing the right crowd, with the right topic, with an intriguing catchy title, your talk must provide insight. To be effective it must have the effect of causing people to tilt their head, look up toward the ceiling and say to themselves, “I never thought of it that way.”


“ Wow! That’s a clever approach.”


“Wish I had thinkers like that in my organization.”

or, best of all …

“I MUST to talk to this guy/gal after he/she finishes.”

4. The hosting / sponsoring organization typically does all the logistics work

They invite the people, promote the event, reserve the venue, arrange and pay for the breakfast, lunch, snacks, coffee, beer or wine (depending on the time of day), provide you a flattering introduction and assure that the place is cleaned up afterwards.

5. You speak (and consequently network) to the whole room at once

Being the featured speaker at a monthly meeting typically permits you to address 25 to 100 people simultaneously, instead of engaging in chit-chat one-on-one for 10 minutes with each of 3 people. As mentioned above, typically networking and association get-togethers allow 30 minutes for that kind of chatting before the speaker starts. That allows time for meeting 3 new people – if you don’t waste time catching up with your buddies first and talking sports, books or politics

6. You have their uninterrupted attention for 45 minutes

For this networking approach to work, you must be an engaging speaker and deliver value. You cannot take advantage of the opportunity and try to sell. You must be willing to share.

Many people feel they will be giving too much away if they do this. As a consultant, my experience is that you can give someone your complete process binder and they will not be able to deploy it without your help. The caution is that you can really only share so much. You must protect your Intellectual Property – but do not fear to share a lot. It builds your credibility, demonstrates your expertise, illustrates your commitment to help and provides more opportunity for your listeners to want to talk with you afterwards.

7. It helps you continue the development of your ideas, products and intellectual property

The compelling need to think and develop your talk after you have committed to it, has the added benefit of forcing you to take thinking time. This thinking time always generates new ideas that you can test with the new audience.

And here are some tips for giving a great talk and getting great results:

1.  Assure you have an audience of decision makers or highly placed (by title) recommenders  

As a colleague of mine said, “Pick your talks by who you want to listen to you, not by who accepted your talk”. Before i recognized this, I wasted more than one evening giving great talks to very interested attendees who weren;t anywhere near the decision to decide on using my services

2. Make your presentations interactive

Another key point is the need to engage interactively with your audience versus lecturing. Small exercises that illustrate key concepts are very helpful. One of the most effective tools is some sort of self-assessment which illustrates key gaps in the current situation of the attendees.

3. Make frequent eye contact with individual people in the room.

It gives listeners a feeling of a personal conversation and intimacy with you even though there may be 100 people in the room.

5. Don’t forget to smile

If people see you are enjoying yourself, and excited about talking with them, they will enjoy themselves and be excited about talking with you.

6. Exchange business cards after your talk

If the sponsoring organization does not provide for it, offer to make (and personally deliver) copies of your presentation to the attendees if they provide you a business card. Also ask if they would mind being on your mailing list when you get their card. At the accountant meeting mentioned in Point 1 above, out of 50+ attendees, I collected 12 business cards after the talk by people coming up to me, expressing their appreciation for what I had to say and requesting the presentation. Within the next few days, I had scheduled four appointments.

7. Follow up quickly, when they ask you to

A final point is worth repeating: Remember, you are never selling when you give one of these talks. You are providing information and insight. The sense the audience feels of you as an expert is what creates the magnetic attraction for you to come and solve their problems.


Speaking in front of crowds is an integral part of Thought Leadership and an active Thought Leadership effort is essential for a professional service providers’ business development efforts. A well constructed Thought Leadership effort builds brand, reinforces your individual and firm’s reputation as experts, piques client interest, builds web traffic and provides opportunity for price premiums.

For a good book on the pillars of Thought Leadership, grab a copy of “The Expert’s Edge” by Ken Lizotte (McGraw Hill)


Networking from the front of the room and other Sales and Consulting business development practices are part both the QMP Sales Skills and Process Workshop and the QMP Consutlancy Navigator Program offered by The QMP Group. Click on their titles to learn more.


Lean Marketing and Sales: The Art of Optimizing both Customer and Company Value


“Lean is the process of maximizing the value delivered to customers by eliminating any wasted activity or expense marketing or sales process that does not create, communicate or enhance customer-received value.

In this QMP Insights blog we offer an approach for improving both top and bottom-lines through the application of “Lean” principles to six key areas in the marketing and sales function of a firm.


Getting Started with Lean in Marketing and Sales:

iStock_000023705897XSmallThere are three foundational principles that must guide any application of lean principles to the marketing and sales function

First, the law of economic value is always at work. That law states: All economic value accruing to your firm has as its source, the customer’s perception that they will receive more value (economic, emotional or physical) from your product or service than it costs them (economically, emotionally or physically) to purchase, acquire, set up and use.

Second, avoidance of the application of lean concepts creates growing breaches in your business that competitors will exploit. If there is any place in your product or service offering, customer service process or sales approach that customers consciously or subconsciously perceive as not providing the highest value possible, that gap will be the place you are most vulnerable to competitive attack.

Third, when assessing the relative importance and value of deploying a specific lean initiative, use the first and second guiding principles above. Considering the deployment of lean principles in your product and service portfolio or your marketing and sales function only as an opportunity to reduce costs can result in customer backlash. Bank of America felt that backlash recently when they instituted debit card user fees and we all feel the frustration when we can’t reach a real person in customer service.


The Six Targets for Lean in Marketing and Sales:

Market Focus

Face the facts. Your product or service offering does not offer the same set of economic, emotional or physical values to all market segments equally. Lean means focusing on those market segments where the value-received by customers is the highest. If that situation exists, the law of economic value is satisfied and research shows that the following benefits accrue to your firm:

  • the ability to garner price premiums
  • faster market penetration
  • higher customer satisfaction
  • more peer-to-peer, word-of-mouth customer communication of that value proposition
  • higher interest in your product from channel partners
  • higher probability of achieving market share leadership in that segment
  • reduced marketing expense
  • improved sales win rate and faster time to close
  • reduced product design costs and a clearer product evolution path as a keener awareness of the customer needs in that specific market are revealed
  • greater returns from focused social media and website investments

Market focus is Lean in action.


Market Communications

The wisdom of lean and focused market communications is the toughest principle to convey to marketing and sales teams. The common fallacy is that, “more marketing expenditure is better than less”. Marketing and sales teams typically will fight tooth and nail to avoid reductions in this sacred arena. They believe that more marketing dollars across more expansive markets means more customers. Not so.

Research (Everett Rogers, “The Adoption of Innovations”) shows that communications of a new idea is best accomplished through opinion leaders in a target market. Peer-to-peer communications, accelerated by opinion leaders, is 13 times more effectively than mass communications. Focused marketing communications programs to reach those opinion leaders, with focused value propositions achieved through market-focused product design is as effective as can be achieved. Social media can help – as long as it is focused.

Focused marketing communications is Lean in action.


Channel to Market

Your business will begin to erode if your channel-to-market provides value only to you and not your customers. Marketers must be vigilant to assure their channel continues to deliver real value to customers and clients. Let’s take Amazon.com as an example.

Amazon.com is, at its most basic level, merely a channel-to-market. They do not write books or build any product. Even the manufacture of the Kindle is outsourced. Amazon’s growth was the result of tapping into an under-satisfied customer value (convenience) and leveraging an emerging technology (the Internet).

By building an on-line bookstore coupled with an efficient order fulfillment process, Amazon stole the customer segment of the book market motivated by convenience, not couches. Relevant value to that segment is: browsing at home, saving gasoline, saving time, the use of peer reviews and comments to facilitate decision-making, fast customer service, the opportunity to contribute reviews and comments, and avoidance of the “out-of-stock to be supplied by another store across town and we’ll call when when it’s in” situation. The introduction of “Whispernet” (the wireless purchase and instant delivery of e-books to the Kindle) further enhanced this basic value set. And taking this value proposition even one step further, Amazon has now added free, unlimited on-line storage of your complete media library (music, books, movies) in the cloud with the Kindle Fire®. Wow!

All this value provided by basically a channel-to-market. Amazon understood how to find untapped needs and use technology to meet them efficiently. This is Lean in action in the channel-to-market


Sales Process Discipline

An oft cited statistic claims that 30% to 50% of the opportunities in the average sales person’s pipeline won’t close because the customer makes a decision not to buy anything. The sales person has, in effect, wasted time and money pursuing something that was destined to never result in a sale. How can one really know if a specific opportunity will actually result in a purchase?

The answer has several parts.

First, if Lean principles are applied in the previous steps (strategy, channel and communications), there is a much higher probability that a purchase will occur, because the value proposition and its communication are more efficient, focused and aligned with customers that are likely to receive the greatest value from your product or service.

Second, if the firm has developed an ideal customer profile that describes that buyer type, it enables the sales team to quickly identify a good potential prospect and politely decline continuing involvement with a poor prospect.

Third, there is a simple set of 5 criteria that can improve a sales person’s ability to quickly qualify an opportunity.

  • intensity of the customer’s need or problem,
  • degree to which the product offering can meet that need,
  • degree of the economic, emotional or physical value the customer will receive by using the product or service,
  • customer perception of the relative competitive advantage of the product or service solution
  • the existence of a customer champion for the solution

These principles put Lean in action in the sales process.


Market Intelligence Feedback

Market intelligence is critical to success. Sound market strategy depends on current and valid market intelligence. That intelligence may comprise some or all: competitive intelligence, customer satisfaction, barriers the sales people keep running into, the health of the customers’ markets, usage idiosyncrasies and a host of other informational tidbits. The sales team must be at the forefront in gathering this data, because the sales team is company asset that is in the most frequent contact with the customer.

The most efficient way to gather market intelligence is through weekly or monthly sales reports. Contracting market research firms to gather market intelligence from the same customers the sales people talk to each month anyway, is admitting to un-Lean practices and indicative of other organizational or culture problems.

Here are some thoughts about making your Lean market intelligence gathering:

  • make a bullet-point market intelligence section a required part of your sales person’s weekly or monthly report
  • train your sales people how to question and observe – not just spew the benefits of your product
  • include providing market intelligence in the sales compensation plans and sales position descriptions
  • provide the ability to award spot bonuses for the most timely and important pieces of information that come your way
  • read the market intelligence reports; think about and acknowledge them by calling back the sales person who provided the information, thanking them and getting more information

Listen carefully when sales people talk about gaps in the customer’s perception of your product’s value delivered. The first comment is inevitably pricing-related. Pricing-related value gaps are more about market targeting, product design and the customer’s perception of value received than actually about pricing. Pricing is only a symptom of a bigger strategic problem.



The application of Lean principles to marketing and sales is easy and inexpensive. A firm of any size and market can deploy Lean. Lean principles assure that customers get the best value they can – and in return, consistent with the law of economic value, your business optimizes its own economic return.

Click here to talk to QMP about Lean Marketing and Sales



The Biggest Sales Myth


A sure bet on what sales people believe…

One of the first topics commonly included in sales training programs and books is a discussion of “Sales Myths”.  Over the years I have heard a number Pulling Out Hair of these myths and have my own favorite set of a half-dozen or so that we use in our sales training program.

The myth that is particularly revealing is implied in this question we ask to sales people:

How many of you have ever lost to an inferior offering?

When I ask this, I always accompany it with a warning that it’s a trick question. In spite of the warning, a nearly unanimous show of hands is the response.

That’s when the trap closes.

It’s all about perspective

The truth is that you never lose to an inferior offering.  It may appear inferior in your eyes, and from your perspective.  You may even be able to show the specification inferiority in absolute provable, numerical or physical terms.  But, it’s not your eyes and perspectives that matter.  The only eyes and perspectives that matter are those of the customer.

So, what is the real story?

Losing to an offering that is inferior in your eyes really means some, or all, of the following:

  1. You didn’t truly understand the criteria the customer used to make the decision until it was too late.
  2. You didn’t ask what the criteria were.
  3. You didn’t develop enough trust with the customer for them to share the criteria with you.
  4. You didn’t understand the circumstances that influenced the customer.
  5. You didn’t understand, or were unable to advise the customer to re-consider the decision criteria.
  6. You were selling into a poorly qualified opportunity, one that didn’t match the strength of your offering.

Test yourselves:

If you are a sales person, or someone who has access to the sales pipeline of your firm, select the top six opportunities in the pipeline.  For each of these opportunities list the top four to six criteria, in decreasing order of importance, that the customer will use to decide what to buy – or even if to buy at all.

When we use this exercise in our training programs, the stunned and embarrassed faces in the crowd are something to see.

Not too long ago, we were working with a client sales person on his pipeline.  He was proudly sharing page after page of opportunity strategy worksheets.  On every sheet the decision criteria, a section we strongly encourage sales people to document and use in formulating strategies and action plans, were exactly the same.

I had to ask how that could be – and if that was truly what the customers were telling him.  If it were so, it would have been the most incredibly homogeneous market I had ever seen.

He replied, “No, the customers didn’t tell me those criteria.  I know how my customers make their decisions.  I don’t have to ask.”

Was this response arrogance?  Laziness?  Fear of asking? Lack of belief that decision criteria expressed by the customer is relevant?  Whatever the reason, this poor sales person embarrassed himself in front of his peers and management?

Phrasing the question effectively

Much of the value that sales people receive from sales training is in learning key phrases and techniques for asking tough questions.  These questions might be about funding availability, decision-making power, the competitive situation, gaining access to other folks involved in the decision, or, in this case the decision criteria.

One of the common traps sales people fall into with respect to understanding decision criteria is assuming that while they are talking with the customer, decision criteria are naturally being revealed in the normal course of conversation.  Sometimes they are.  Sometimes they aren’t.

The safe stance is to assume that they aren’t revealed.  So, here are some questions to assist in revealing the real decision criteria:

Assuming you are not the exclusive decision maker, would you feel comfortable sharing what you believe other members of the committee are concerned about and would use in selecting the final solution?

If you feel uncomfortable speaking for them, what benefit do you think there might be in gathering the decision makers and influencers to work through and collect all the decision criteria and perspectives?

Have they compiled their concerns, needs and preferences in any sort of document?

Is there a vendor’s guide that would help assure that we will meet or exceed all your criteria?

Of course, there is always the option of asking directly, “What are the decision criteria”?

In reality, based on the responses of the hosts of sales people attending our training programs, that last question is rarely used.  The more common scenario is that sales people believe that they know everything about the customer’s decision process simply by having had a discussion.

A final check…

Even if you haven’t broached the subject of decision criteria directly, and believe you know enough from the conversation, it is helpful to run through the following routine to review what you understand the criteria to be.

“Thanks for taking the time with me, Paul.  Before we break up here, would you mind if I spent just a moment to confirm that I understand the criteria you will be using to make your decision.  Here’s what I inferred from the conversation. (Re-cap here).

When you finish, ask, “Is there anything I missed?  Is there anyone else that we need to speak with who might have additional criteria?”.

Explicit, Implicit and Hidden Criteria

If you follow that dialogue you get only explicit criteria.  It’s certainly better than not knowing anything – but it’s incomplete.

Implicit and hidden criteria are best revealed through keen observation.  While much is said in sales literature about listening skills, keen observation skills are equally, if not more important.

Observing and noting the physical surroundings, the personalities of the buyers, the organizational and political situation in the customer’s firm, the personal ambitions of the buyers and body language can reveal approaches which meet implicit and hidden criteria.  If the office is highly organized and neat, so should be your proposal, your meetings, your presentations and your communications.  If the customer works in teams, package your offering as a team effort.  Implicit and hidden criteria / requirements can be met at the sub-conscious, as well as the conscious behavioral level.

Keep in mind what Yogi Berra is purported to have said,

“You can see an awful lot just by observing”

A final point:

In the hands of the skilled sales person, dialogue and observation must work closely together to identify customer buying criteria.  The more the criteria are understood the higher the probability of winning and the lower the risk of losing to an apparently inferior offering.  .


Learn more about the QMP process for understanding customer decision making and creating winning sales strategies.