QMP for Medical Equipment Firms

In the world of medicine, the best technology doesn’t always win. Nor is success guaranteed by committing large amounts of money to expensive marketing promotional programs.

The QMP strategy process and toolkit address the dual critical challenges of: 1) accelerating the market adoption of an innovation in a profitable and cost-effective way, and 2) rapidly establishing a defensible competitive position for that innovation. The QMP process makes use of a specific body-of-knowledge on how innovation is adopted in the marketplace and the best market strategies to address all stages of the product life-cycle. QMP greatly simplifies market strategy for high-tech businesses, assuring your investment is placed where it can have the most profitable impact.

“The QMP strategy framework allows us to quickly and effectively assess the attractiveness of new opportunities. The tool set reduces complex market factors to a few simple, easy-to-understand charts that not only develop the strategy, but also allow us to communicate it quickly to the organization. The process provides us a methodology for expanding the strategy into a set of consistent and coordinated actionable tasks. I was truly excited when I first became exposed to it four years ago and my use and enthusiasm hasn’t diminished one bit.”  CTO, Medical Equipment Firm

To learn more about how a QMP marketing and sales transformation program can help your medical equipment business call us at 503.318.2696 or tell us about your interest through our Contact Us page. We’re here to help.