Navigational Selling

Piloting the Client Decision Journey

A sales skills and process guide to selling service intense B2B offerings

A 4-hour training series delivered on-site, virtually, or as an on-line course


Navigational SellingR (the book)

Available from Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats)


Workshop Content

Sales Myths and Fallacies

The Importance of Market Focus

Essential Characteristics of a Great Salesperson

Effective Sales Call Planning

The Customer Decision-Making Process

The Magic of the Customer Self-Assessment (Triggering Latent Needs)

The Six Basic Qualification Criteria


Discussion Summaries

Reading People

Formulating Opportunity Sales Strategies

Formulating New Account Penetration Strategies

Formulating Winning Solutions

Proposals vs Quotes

Win-Win Winning

Building an Effective Sales Tool Kit

Organizational Level Sales Effectiveness Assessment

Process Adoption



  • Sales training programs can be customized to your specific business, target markets and needs.
  • Standard program fees are $695 per participant.
  • Schedule is customized to your team’s availability.
  • Individual training and coaching are also available on request.

In support of client adoption of Navigational Selling, The QMP Group also provides consulting services for Sales Organizational Effectiveness Assessments, Sales Process Optimization, individual Sales Coaching and Mentoring support, Sales Tool Development, Target Market Focus Selection, Sales Analytics, and Salesperson Recruiting.


To discuss your sales process and effectiveness and training needs, call Jerry Vieira, CMC at 503.318.2696 or email to