Marketing & Sales Transformations
The QMP Marketing & Sales EngineTM

Transformation programs can range from minor process improvements, to market strategy adjustments or a comprehensive deployment of an integrated QMP Marketing and Sales Engine based on Foundational Marketing principles. Whichever the need, based on a preliminary assessment, a QMP Marketing & Sales Transformation becomes the cornerstone for your corporate culture and the engine powering your financial growth into the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of results can be realized?
Over time, QMP transformations consistently result in:
- increased market value of your business
- accelerated top-line growth
- increased profitability
- increased, defensible market share
- a more competitive and profitable market strategy
- improved return on sales and marketing investments
- faster traction for new business development initiatives
- quicker market adoption of your new products or services
How is a marketing & sales organization transformation accomplished?
First, a diagnostic M&S Assessment determines which of the four key parts of the Marketing & Sales Engine could be improved and in which order improvements will pay off the quickest. Tailored programs are then initiated that quickly repair, replace, re-build or install the necessary process disciplines, systems and capabilities to re-energize growth.
Some components common to many transformations, are:
- a market strategy re-formulation and improved target market focus
- re-focus, re-allocation, re-alignment and reduction of marketing and sales expenditure
- installation of a culture of higher performance expectations
- frequent checkpoints and metrics for measuring progress
- reformulation of the sales tool kit
- sales process disciplines and training
- customer account management and forecasting
What kinds of business does this program work for?
It is widely applicable and has achieved success in businesses ranging from consumer, to engineering services, energy, software, medical products, manufacturing, law firms, medical equipment, wholesale distribution, IT services, data management, packaging, metal fabrication, plastics, health care services and more.
What kinds of results can be expected?
QMP has been proven to significantly improve both revenue and corporate value. Read our results page here.
How long does a transformation take?
Successful transformations have taken anywhere from 3 to 24 months, depending on the size of the organization, the depth and breadth of the challenges revealed in the assessments and the focus, dedication and commitment of the management team to improve.
The stronger the performance-oriented culture of the firm, the faster the transformation.
How much does a Marketing & Sales Transformation Program cost?
We can’t estimate that until we assess the magnitude of the gaps, the size and geographical dispersion of the business and the scope of the transformation you wish to undertake. A preliminary self-assessment is free and usually takes a couple of days to complete – a comprehensive assessment takes a month and is fee-based project.
To learn more about a QMP Marketing and Sales Transformation Program call us at 503.318.2696 or tell us about your challenges through our Contact Us page. We’re here to help.