Marketing & Sales

Organizational Effectiveness Assessment

“Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice and to map out a journey, one needs to know their starting point.”  

Radar Graph Organizational Effectiveness Assessment 
 QMP uses a proprietary, preliminary organizational capabilities self-assessment to determine the degree of need and a client’s starting point for a Marketing & Sales Transformation initiative. This assessment is available for you to use within your own company as a preliminary self-diagnostic tool, or you can elect an objective Marketing & Sales Audit performed by QMP.

The radar graph below is a sample output of a QMP Marketing & Sales (M&S) Organizational Capabilities Self-Assessment. The assessment allows a business to self-rate its M&S organizational capabilities against 8 important dimensions of Foundational Marketing & Sales excellence. Comprising roughly 50 questions, the assessment takes less than 15 minutes to complete. 

Copyright The QMP Group, Inc. 2020

What to do with the results

If you chose, we are pleased to engage in a free initial discussion of the results at your convenience. Simply call us at 503.318.2696 or email to and tell us you want to assess your firm.