Real Results with QMP’s Proven Methodology

The QMP Methodology has repeatedly proven its value in the real world.

“The QMP strategy framework allows us to quickly and effectively assess the attractiveness of new opportunities. The tool set reduces complex market factors to a few, easy-to-understand charts that not only develop the strategy, but also allow us to communicate it quickly to the organization. I was excited when I first became exposed to it and my use and enthusiasm hasn’t diminished one bit.”

Chief Technology Officer, Medical Equipment

Some Real Outcomes

    • A stalled B2B SaaS Software startup gained 1000+ new client installations in less than three years – and was acquired.
    • A Medical Systems company garnered a 145% market valuation premium in an acquisition buy-out.
    • An Electronics firm grew its medical market revenue 50%/year for six years straight, while maintaining price premiums over the competition. This growth drove a successful IPO.
    •  Wholesale Distribution region of 12 sales reps improved sales by 47% in two years.
    • In that same Wholesale Distribution firm, QMP efforts contributed to a 75% Sales Increase and 400% EBIT Improvement over 3 years.
    • A Hydraulic Components company increased new design wins by 15% in six months with a 30% reduction in time wasted on unsuccessful quotes.
    • A Medical Peripherals business increased their hospital customer base from two to 150+, while increasing selling prices by 200% and set a record for the largest single order of over $1M+
    • A precision Metal Stamping Firm experienced a strategic new business development win within the first 6 months of having adopted the QMP methodology for sales. That single win increased its overall business level by 20%
    • A struggling Capital Equipment company found a successful market niche to avoid head-to-head price competition with Asian competitors.
    • A Healthcare Products company gained 8% revenue in a year when the market was declining 20%

Our clients say…  

 “Jerry makes us think – and quickly move to action.”

To discover how you can energize your marketing and sales function to create breakthrough results, call Jerry Vieira at The QMP Group at 503.318.2696, email or tell us about your challenge through our Contact Us page.